Ted Gup

Ted Gup (b. 1950- ), a 1968 graduate of Western Reserve Academy in Hudson, Ohio,[1] is a writer noted for being the first to reveal publicly in 1992[2] the existence of a large underground bunker at West Virginia's famed Greenbrier Resort to house the Congress of the United States in case of a nuclear attack on Washington, DC,[3] a revelation still considered controversial almost two decades after its publication.[4]

Gup, who was a "Shirley Wormser Professor of Journalism" at Case Western Reserve University before heading the journalism department at Emerson College in Boston, Massachusetts, was a Guggenheim Fellowship recipient in 2003.[5] He was also a 1980 recipient of the George Polk award in journalism offered by Long Island University. Prior to his work in academia, he was a reporter for The Washington Post and Time Magazine.

He has been a prolific writer regarding Doomsday scenarios and facilities to provide for continuity of government and the preservation of important assets of civilization,[6] including the critical Mount Weather facilities, as well as intelligence issues.

His 2010 book, A Secret Gift, much unlike anything else he'd ever written, chronicles the Christmastime 1933 anonymous charitable efforts of his Romanian Orthodox Jewish grandfather, Sam Stone, to help families in Canton, Ohio affected by the Great Depression.[7][8]



  1. ^ http://www.wra.net/
  2. ^ http://travel.nytimes.com/2010/08/15/travel/15Greenbrier.html?pagewanted=2&nl=travel&emc=tda1
  3. ^ http://www.avhub.net/congressionalhideawaygreenbriar.htm
  4. ^ http://blog.cleveland.com/pdextra/2009/03/ted_gups_disclosure_of_the_gre.html
  5. ^ http://www.gf.org/fellows/all?index=g&page=20
  6. ^ http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,976197,00.html
  7. ^ http://www.bostonathenaeum.org/node/585
  8. ^ Amazon.com listing for A Secret Gift

External links